Kisperverse is a fictional world built upon the concept of mythical beasts and Kisper bond. This world is set in a place where these mysterious and majestic creatures, known as mythical beasts, start popping out everywhere some thousand years ago. They appear casually as if they were already there in the first place and were just hidden for all this time.
30 years since their discovery, a young mind named Djourn Kisper travels the world to collect records on these creatures. The records were later compiled into 11 parts and become the reference for any organized study of mythical beasts. And because of these records, Kisper was able to hypothesize and discover a phenomenon known as Kisper Bond.
Kisper Bond is a mind and body entanglement between two creatures. Being entangled by a Kisper Bond means the entangled creatures can share their thoughts telepathically and can manifest shared physical attributes as well. Usually, it manifests between a mythical beast and a human.
Many believed that this phenomenon actually is just a peek of what the true nature of their world. Kisper even one said in his last letter: "I peek through the truth. Now go out there and unravel the very essence of the stage we're all in." This drove all great minds and persona to further explore the mystery of mythical beasts and the Kisper Bond.
- The Kisper Bond. read here
Mythical Beast Files: