By Alvin Aragon - September 10, 2021
Linkers are humans that established a Kisper Bond with a mythical beast. Most of them gained power from their Kisper Bond but some are in bad condition because of it. It is approximated that about 30% of the human population is a linker. Their very existence forms a new dynamic in human's approach to society, ethics, and politics.
One controversial issue that is put up most of the time is Raskolnikov's Theory of The Extraordinary. The idea comes from the book of the old world titled "Crime and Punishment". The theory simply states that extraordinary people transgress the law. Cause if extraordinary people are indeed that powerful, what can ordinary people do anyway to make them bound to law?
Citizens are accusing their government that they actually doing what the theory says. And letting some powerful linkers do whatever they want. The government of course denies this allegation and assures the public that the government is still in control.
Some citizens though are not worried about the linkers destroying the balance of power in the world. They believe in the Rule of The Bell Curve from another book from the old world titled "On the Origin of Nature." The rule simply states that values in nature tend to average out. So if we have good linkers and bad linkers, nature's tendency is towards having more neutral linkers than good and bad linkers. Hence, the balance in power.